Friday, December 20, 2013

Keep Calm and Mustache on

Throughout the day I think, "Tonight I have to update the Oakley blog!" But then he does something so cuddle-rific that I can't break away from the stash to sit on my computer. Alas, it's been too long so it's time to get my readers updated!

Master Oakley is 4 months and 1 week now. How's he doing you ask? That's easy...toothless. I've been noticing that when he looks up at me his tongue is sticking out of his mouth. Upon closer examination, I found that he's an old man with zero teeth:

I realize that this is a part of schnoodle life. The best news is that we were able to salvage one of his baby canines to keep! Your next question...did the tooth fairy come? Why yes readers! She did! She and our elf on the shelf, which coincidentally is named "Schnoodle Elf" brought Oakley some new treats.

We have been going to puppy Kindergarten. There has still been some resistance with leash walking BUT he's doing MUCH better. I only need to pull him a small part of the way and then he just gives up and comes. I think I can see on his face, "Ah hell, I'll just do it to make her happy."  I asked our vet (Dr. Carskaddan---who will now be known on the blog as Dr. C) when I can start running with Oakley and he said to wait until at least 6 months. He then went on and stated, "I know Oakley will run to the end of the earth with you but we want him to have more bone development first." I laughed and told him that there is no way in H-E-double hockey sticks that he would run to the end of the earth with me. Maybe to the beginning of the driveway but that's about all.

Oakley has had his first experience in the snow. You could tell he had no clue what to do with it but caught on real quick that he can destroy the neighborhood children's snowmen.

Lastly, Oakley is a little confused about who his mother is. You see, he knows there is a human mother who gives him food (me) but there's also a golden retriever next door that he believes is his actual mother. Bella lets Oakley chew on her lips, face and feet and then at the end of the day this happens:

What a schnoodle-rific boy.