Tuesday, January 7, 2014

We have a teenager ladies and gentlemen

You know how teens are often all gangly and leggy and run into things because they don't realize how big they are? Well, that's our Oakley. From the back he looks like his legs are 4ft. From the front his back looks like it is elevated because this dog is going to be T.A.L.L.

He's topping the charts at 30lb right now. That seems to be about par as the rest of his siblings I have contacted. They all seem to be in the 25-30lb range.

Oakster has also lost his teeth!!I think they are all out and the big boy ones are coming in. He smiles and we see gums and half hug wolf teeth!

We also realized that Oakley also wants to make new friends! He loves loves loves meeting new animals. Dogs? Well....yes. But I'm talking about squirrels and birds. He sees them and goes absolutely bonkers. We could be on a nice leisurely walk (yes ladies and gentlemen, he FINALLY is walking on a leash) and then this happens:

Check out that hunting schnoodle! He literally stops dead in his tracks and points his tail and watches and watches until BAM! He leaps after them only to be foiled by being on a leash and them going up the tree.

He could spend hours just watching the squirrels and birds and anything else that seems to be just out of his reach.

We also found out our dog plays hockey. He uses his feet to actually scoot the puck from one place to the other and keep it away from our son who is starting to play.

Oakley with our neighbor. Both trying to get the puck from the other
I tell you....is there anything this dog CAN'T do???

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